Technology I just Can’t Get Into

February 8, 2010

I’m a huge geek.  My field of study and a lot of my hobbies are based around electronics, computers, and technology.  While I do have/use a lot of modern technology, there are a few things I just can’t get into.

1. Twitter: I just don’t get it.  Why in the world would you need to continually update what you’re doing in less than 200 characters?  In browsing their website, they claim twitter keeps you informed.  Informed about what?  I don’t give a rats ass to be “informed” about what my friend had for breakfast.  However, I would like to be informed if one of my friends has a positive development in their life.  How do I find that out?  I fucking talk to them, I don’t wait for them to “tweet” (god I hate when I hear that phrase used).  I don’t think I’ll ever understand their explanation on using twitter for business either.

2. Smartphones: I may be a computer geek, but I like the peace of mind I get when riding the bus, waiting for a class/meeting to start, or just killing a few minutes.  People with a smartphone use this time to check their email/facebook/twitter/news feeds for the millionth time a day.  Tell me, is there an app for making people stop being such slaves the wired world?

3. RSS Feeds: Most of the blogs/webcomics/news sites I visit daily have RSS.  I don’t like using it, because it’s an overload of information and I like spending the 20 minutes each day just browsing.

4. World of Warcraft: Why I can’t get into this one is easy, I like living my real life instead of some fantasy life on an MMORPG.  I like spending my money on beer and fun activities than on subscription fees.  It simply takes more time and money that I’m willing to put into such a rediculous hobby.  Oh, and 99% of people that get addicted to this game get fat.  Fuck that.  I’m the worst geek ever, considering I don’t play video games either.

5. HDTV: This one is a slippery slope for me.  HD is good for action movies or movies with amazing CGI and visual effects.  But I don’t get why get all the fancy equipment and cable channels to watch sitcoms or sports.  If I was going to sit down and watch a movie like Iron Man, I would choose HD because it would add to the viewing experience.  If I’m going to watch the weekly airing of your standard shows, HD adds nothing.  A lot of people disagree with me about HD sports, I don’t think it adds anything at all to the games.  If I want such good quality, I’ll pony up the money for tickets.

Top “Celebrities” I Hate

February 8, 2010

I was having a discussion about reality TV with someone the other day, and about how stupid it is.  You want reality?  Go outside.  In the title of this entry I put celebrities in quotes for a reason, because the celebrities I’m about to mention are really famous for no reason.  They’re all really useless too.  If any of them fell off the face of the earth, I don’t think anyone or anything would be affected.

This list isn’t in a specific order, this is just who I thought of first.

1. Kate Gosselin: Fucking bitch is exploiting her kids for a large profit.  She’s not attractive, so it’s not really surprising her husband cheated.  And you know how you can just look at someone and know they’re a complete bitch without ever interacting with them?  Yeah, she’s one of those.  I don’t understand the appeal of the show either.

2. The Kardashian Sisters: They’re famous because their Dad was a kick ass lawyer.  I highly doubt they have ever worked physically hard a day in their life and will never know the value of a buck.

3. Paris Hilton: Famous for the same reason as the Kardashians.  The shining definition of a dumb blonde.  If you ever hear her speak, your IQ will begin dropping at an exponential rate.

4. Tila Tequila: The original Myspace whore.

5. Holly Madison, Bridget Matquardt, Kendra Wilkinson: Famous because they could afford enough plastic surgery to be Hef’s girlfriends.  Whatever happened to the day when truly hot women did playboy spreads and not any bitch who had breast implants?

What kills me more than how useless the aforementioned people are is why people give a fuck about what they do.  Why do you care if the 5th Gosselin child fell down?  Is your life changed by one of the Kardashian sisters getting knocked up?  NO.  Here’s a quote from one of my favorite musicians, Rob Lind of Blood for Blood, that sums this all up nicely.

Whenever I come across one of those “reality” based T.V. shows (on the rare day I have the stomach to click on my T.V. at all) such as MTV’s “Real World”, and I see all those beautiful, silly, elitist babies on the screen cavorting self-importantly through the irrelevant passion plays they construct for themselves and more importantly when I envision the millions of slack-jawed zombies drooling raptly at their screens transfixed by the antics of those human effigies, I can understand why Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned.

Hello world? No.

February 6, 2010

I originally wanted this to be called yelling about stuff.  That was taken.  Then I just tried yelling.  That was taken too.  The best part?  These good names were taken by people who don’t fucking update!  Thanks assholes.

Anyhoo, what’s the point of this blog?  Well, I like to rant about stuff and a lot of stuff gets me going.  So why not blog it.  I don’t expect anyone to read this, nor do I care if anyone does.  This is really for my own personal amusement.  I don’t care enough right now to change the layout from the default.

Who am I?  I’m someone you don’t want to know.